SO, it is now just about four & a half months that ‘A’ and I have been on this journey of NO SHOPPING, and I think we are really starting to change our perspective on things [even If we DO plan to go on a shopping spree right after this is done. Maybe?] I am not 100% sure about ‘A’, but for myself, when I walk into a store it just doesn’t feel good anymore. Knowing that I can’t buy anything makes me not want to buy or even really LOOK at anything anymore. I try so hard to just go window shopping, because shopping would usually make me feel better if I am feeling upset, angry or if I am just in that mood. Lately, I have needed my retail therapy so badly with everything going on in my life! But I can’t have it; it actually makes me so sad. Not because I desperately need anything more than what I already have, but shopping to me is moments of escape from things that are happening in my life that I don’t feel like dealing with at the time. Most people may find it strange, but shopping by myself is usually my best shopping times. It’s just me & anything I want; no distractions, no obligations, no responsibilities. JUST ME! It is MY time. It used to make me happy. Can I say it was like a hobby?
hob·by [hob-ee] –noun, plural -bies.1. an activity or interest pursued in spare time
for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation.
I want to know what it’s like to WANT to shop again; what it feels like to wear that new sweater for the first time, to walk in that new pair of shoes, and to transfer all your stuff in to a brand new purse. I feel like I am losing my desire to shop. I want my hobby back!! I could find a new one…but it just wouldn’t be the same!
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